How We Support:
Our Commitment to Community and Sustainability
GAIA Skin Naturals is proud to support a number of charities, not-for-profit and community organisations throughout the year.

Ronald McDonald House Charities - Australia
GAIA Natural Baby is a proud Adopt-a-Room sponsor of the Ronald McDonald House Charities VIC/TAS, a charity that supports seriously ill children by creating safe spaces for them and their families to stay together and care for the child’s needs. They provide a range of programs to keep families close through houses, family rooms and retreats.
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Calm Birth Australia
Calmbirth® is an Australian scientifically proven childbirth education program which recognises the interrelationship between the mind and body during birth. Calmbirth® assists couples in replacing the fear and anxiety around giving birth with the knowledge and skills to birth their baby calmly and safely for a positive birth experience.
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National Premmie Foundation
Is the parent body which guides and assists prem support groups by being a central point of communication and publicity and providing information to families, hospitals, health professionals, and the wider community. They representing the interests of parents of prems in terms of hospital policy and assisting with research into causes of pre-term birth and the treatment of premature infants.
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Karitane Mothercraft Society
GAIA Natural Baby is pleased to have sponsored the “Wrapping Your Baby” Brochure as part of Karitane’s instructional leaflet resource collection and supported their annual Golf Day fundraiser. Karitane is a group of baby clinics and family centres in NSW which offer advice and training to parents and nurses. They specialise in alternative feeding method (when breast feeding is impossible), support for those suffering perinatal mood and other disorders.
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Tweddle Family Centre VIC
Tweddle is a Child Safe Organisation dedicated to the protection of all children. It is made up of a team of specialised maternal and child health nurses, mothercraft nurses, social workers and early parenting practitioners who provide support to over 4,000 families facing challenges before and after birth. These challenges could include health issues, addiction, family instability, sleep deprivation, feelings of being unable to cope and financial stress.
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Baby Sleep Consultant
Baby Sleep Consultants is a team of trained and certified sleep consultants across Australia who help baby and parents get the sleep that they need through methods based on science and experience. They are all sleep professionals that work directly with nutritionists and breastfeeding experts when dealing with sleep problems and the consultants are all mothers themselves, so they can empathise with every issue. All of their work is based on guidelines outlined by the world health organisation for breastfeeding and the American Academy of Paediatrics in regards to sleep training.
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